Women Empowerment

We are taking actions towards women empowerment by providing employment to women, single mothers and widows in semi-urban areas. We train them in the new production techniques of leather goods manufacturing so that they can be independent, self-sufficient and can support their families.

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Helping the Underprivileged

In its endeavor to be the global leader in the leather export industry, IGT has never ignored its social responsibility as well. We believe the philosophy that Charity begins at Home. Therefore we have employed a number of deaf and dumb people at our production unit. Some of them have been working there for long time and are doing really good. We are planning to have more and more differently able people as part of our team with the expansion of the company.

Environmental policy

IGT values its strong commitment within its organization to ensure its relentless pursuit in maintaining laws, regulations and other policy mechanisms concerning environmental issues

Our dedicated in house Environment management team monitors air and water pollution, waste management handling, hazardous waste handling ecosystem management with emphasis to protection of natural resources. Our enviromental policy outlines steps and actions needed to handle industrial waste using state approved waste management companies only. We are now pursuing the use of more sustainable materials in our production line as well as finished products. Our current project is focused on using Nylon’s made out of recycled plastic yarn and are being produced under “SAVE THE OCEAN CAMPAIGN” which is being sold successfully through large big box retailers across North America.
This is our way to help make the world a better place for our coming generations.

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Creative Services

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Web Design

Etiam nulla glavrida – lorem ipsum risus!

Donec id rutrum dui, id pellentesque risus. Proin ac nisl fringilla, accumsan erat sed, pretium est. Donec in accumsan velit!

Vestibulum a luctus est, in fermentum lacus. Sed bibendum convallis sem. Nunc ac hendrerit tortor. Nullam non feugiat quam. Integer id vehicula velit curabitur odioi.

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Seven Media

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